Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moving Day…

The time has come for me to journey into another season of blogging here.   Please come follow me at my new home.   Check out my new look!  I will continue to keep this blog up until I have transfer all my previous  posts, but won’t be accepting any comments.

Bye, WordPress

Our new devotion

We are trying to get back in the swing of things.  It is really hard this time around getting back to a some-what schedule after giving birth.  So, I thought….  Gotta start with the most important….God himself.  I am trying to develop quiet time each morning while nursing the princess before the boys wake up.  A challenge for me.  I so don’t do well without sleep.  However, I have some early risers.

I was intrigued by this classic at the book store awhile back.  Now seems like the perfect time to start this book/devotion.  I love how it has scriptures at the end of each lesson to enhance Thomas a ‘Kemps words.

I am encouraging my dh to read along with me and we can discuss every night while trying to make little princess want to sleep in her cradle instead of in my arms.  Another battle we will overcome.  LOL!

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  2 peter 3:8-9

Book of Virtues

I was so fortunate to purchase one year at a library book sale, Book of Virtues, for a whole whopping.50. We have the children version , too.  I stumbled across on one of my yahoo groups this wonderful treasure here. Some gifted and dedicated homeschool mommy put together a  unit study for each character/virtue trait. Included are notebook pages, lapbooking, vocabulary, and much more. What a blessing!  Just save the document and print the character trait you wish to study.

Character is a high priority in our house.

Enjoy ~

Campbell and me….

campbell and I

My sweet little niece, Campbell Reese.  Isn’t she beautiful???

She’s clapping!  LOL!

Reminising with the best of the 80’s

Some of my favorites…..Turn it up!!!!

If this doesn’t make you smile, then your own your on.

Check out how beautiful Bonnie’s hair is.  How I wish that hair would come back in style.  LOL!  Her mini skirt is stylin’ too.

This song is so so cool!

Reminds me of my lifeguard days.  I just loved my open stomach bathing suit.  It was green with black polka dots.  Not to mention my long frizzy permed hair enhanced it.

Check back every Friday til the end of summer for some more fun songs.

You Overcame…

Things don’t always go my way. Unfortunately! Because I do know what is best for my life, right! LOL! I often forget that I have an amazing God that knows just what is the perfect scenario for my family. He loves me and is capable of making the right decisions for us. However, I must listen. After all, He did Win!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Proverbs 3:5

WFMW ~ how to hem a pair of pants

wfmwpinkI bought a pair of pants this past weekend that were too long for me. Honestly, I have never had this problem before. So I took it upon my determined, frugal minded self to hem them myself. They came out superb. I used this video step by step.

Check out what works for other brillant minded ladies here.

Christmas Give-away


I love give-a-ways.  I especially love creating them for the unknown.  I made these little goodies this week.  I have grown over the past months to adore dish cloths and towels that don’t end up on the ground every time one of my darling children or dh happens to walk through the kitchen.  Do I hear an amen or what?  Also, I use dish cloths to wipe down the counters or wipe my little ones faces and hands. BTW~ not the same one.  They are so handy.

I will be giving away these crochet items to one bloggy sister any where in the world.  The only requirement is that you email me when you receive them.  You don’t have to tell me you love them or anything, but just let me know when they arrive.

I would love for you to either comment on your favorite Christmas read or Cd, but not neccessarly to enter.

Merry Christmas…


These towels are red, green, and white plaid.  These could be used in the kitchen or bathroom.


This is suppose to be a Christmas bell dishcloth.  It kinda looks like a tree, but still cute, imop.  I will probably adjust the pattern next time to make a tree.


Head on over to all the other Christmas give-aways here.

Word-Filled Wednesday ~ Marriages…


Marriages ending in divorce are on the rise.  This includes Christian marriages as well.  I have been praying for marriages in general.  Please read my post from yesterday here.

I just found this wonderful meme.  I look forward to participating in Word-filled Wednesdays each week.

Finally, I did it!

I have been wanting to donate my hair to Locks of Love for months now.  Finally, I departed with my hair this past Friday.  I will be letting it grow again, however.


I had my dh straighten my hair to add any extra length possible.  So, that’s why my hair looks so uneven and unhealthy.  At least, I hope it didn’t look like that all the time.


Barbara is chopping off my 10 in pony tail.


This is me pretending that I am thrilled without my pony tail security blanket.


Praying that my hair grows back quickly.


Still praying….


The final product.

BTW ~ Hair grows back…..  I was told that your hair stops growing as you get older.  THIS IS A MYTH.  Read here.