Category Archives: Giveaways

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

It has begun theblog-party.jpg

What a fantastic way to meet new friends, seek new blogs, and of course win fabulous prizes.  I’m a bit late, but better late then NEVER, right!

Welcome to my neck of the woods!  I’m Jill, your bloggy hostess.  Read more about me here.   I’m often asked how I manage my everyday life with 5 wonderful boys that are at home with me 24/7.  So, I will include several tips, links, and ideas that have made my life manageable without jumping off the nearest bridge.  LOL!  By any means, I am not an expert and learn everyday from my mistakes.  Thank you. Jesus, for your loving grace.

First things first…..  My day is so much brighter if I wake up 30 minutes earlier before the kiddos wake up.  I have my coffee pot set and have my bible, prayer journal, and devotion along with a pen on my end table each blessed morning for my daily quiet time.  Starting off my day with the Lord has tremendously blessed my mind-set as a wife, mother, and teacher.  Some days I over sleep, but I deliberately make it a point to start my day off with the Lord.  Here is an awesome free bible study, called Woman of Excellence.

Second, I must have my priorities straight.  Read this post.

Third, maintain a household notebook.  Many suggestions here. And here, here, and here.  Being organized will make your life so much enjoyable and manageable.  More time for the fun stuff!

Fourth, I implement MotivatedMoms everyday schedule.  I also have trained all my children to help with the daily chores of the household.

Fifth, find a hobby that you can do at home.   I have recently discovered sewing and crocheting.   I have Fridays afternoons set aside to sew.  I also watch the news and crochet at the same time.  I can crochet while supervising the children.  Note: You learn to be multi-tasked after your third child.  LOL!

Sixth,  get rid of the TV.  Well, in reality I mean stop wasting your precious time on mealiness, silly, ungodly shows.  American Idol is educational meaningful, right?  LOL!  Plan family nights that include interaction with one another.  No TV.  Have set time for TV and video games.  Only after all chores and school work have been successfully accomplished with a cheerful attitude, may my boys turn on PBS kids.

Seventh, eat together every night as a family.  Stop believing that you and your children need to participate in every outside activity that is being offered.  Once again, check your priorities.  No excuses here!

Eighth,  pray and grow spiritually together as a family.  Teach your children God’s Word.  This isn’t optional, but a command.

Ninth,  find ministries and ways to serve at home to outreach to outsiders if you have a gazillion kiddos like me.  LOL!  There is a season for everything.  Also, remember if you are a SAHM, your husband, children, and home should be your #1 ministry priority.

Tenth, read good books on being a Godly woman, parent, friend and mentor.  There are loads of great books about organization, as well.   Read a chapter a day and maintain a log of the books that have positively influenced you.  This will help you when you need some review or need to suggest a good read to a friend.  Check out my encouraging read postsEnter my book give-away here

And always remember God never gives you anything you can’t handle.  I look forward to meeting some new bloggy friends.  The bloggy world has been  such a blessing to my christian journey.  Can’t wait to meet you.  Feel free to subscribe to my crazy blog.

Seeking Him,

Jill ~ tons of sons