WFMW ~ learning hymns

This was not one of my brilliant ideas, but my dh suggested this thought and it has worked marvels for our family.  We have family worship/prayer/bible study each morning.  Of course, the idea scenario would be for Mommy to sing in a lovely, beautiful voice while playing the piano during our worship time, but that is by far not the case in our home.  LOL!

However, we have a karaoke machine.  My dh bought awhile back several Praise and Worship karoke CD’s.  He suggested that we play the karoke CD and sing a long each morning to learn the words to the hymns.  We are truly worshiping and learning the words at the same time.  Of course, the little ones are jumping, dancing and trying to sing a long, too.  It has been a blessing to our morning family worship.

Rocksinmydryer has gazillions of other tips to guide you in your everyday life.

4 responses to “WFMW ~ learning hymns

  1. Okay, that is a different one…But it works…so hey….go for it..

    I love it.

  2. Sounds fun! We’ve been using the piano, but it is hard to encourage participation when your hands and eyes are both busy with playing!

  3. awesome idea, I am not musically inclined, but do want to incorporate worship, in addition to only singing “Jesus Loves Me” (which is still a great one) But this is something that will work for me!

  4. I have that ideal version in my head, too. 🙂 We use CDs for our worship time, but the karaoke machine would be fun.

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